Amortised Time Complexity

Notes on amortised time complexity

December 31, 2024

Amortised Time Complexity

Amortised analysis considers the averaged cost of operations over time, rather than just the worst case for each individual operation.

Dynamic Array

Consider Python’s list (dynamic array) append operation:

nums = []
for i in range(10):
    nums.append(i)  # Seems O(1), but occasionally triggers resize
  • Most appends: O(1) - simply add an element
  • Occasional resize: O(n) - create new array, copy all elements
  • Amortised cost: O(1) - the expensive resizes happen so rarely that the average cost per operation is constant

Hash Table

from collections import Counter 
counter = Counter()
for char in "hello":
    counter[char] += 1  # Usually O(1), but may trigger rehash
  • Normal insertion: O(1) - compute hash, store value
  • Rehashing: O(n) - rebuild hash table with larger capacity
  • Amortised cost: O(1) - expensive rehashing is rare enough that average cost remains constant

This is why it can be said that Counter or set operations are “Amortised O(1)” - while individual operations might occasionally take longer, the average cost over many operations approaches O(1).

Memory Allocation Pattern

Initial size: 4
Resize at: 5th element (8), 9th element (16)...

[1,2,3,4] → resize → [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] → resize → [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...]